Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sometimes, this:

If space doesn't do this to your face, then you're not doing it right.

I'll give you a moment to appreciate that.

OK! So as we come to conclude the ol'2012, I 'magine its time for some conclusive conclusions about the years most notably noteworthy albums. STARTING with these peoples:

DOOMbird - Dorothy
Picture Plane - Post Physical (Little Star Dweller Remix)
Chrome Sparks - Marijuana
Chrome Sparks - Still Sleeping (Feat. Steffaloo)
Flume - Space Cadet
Shigeto - Ann Arbor Part 3 & 4
Throwing Snow - Aspera

More to come...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Episodes 7-9 for reel

     Dunno if all y'all heard, but we're a go for the next Star Wars trilogy starting in 2015.  Initially I was all like, "ah man, more subpar starwarsian tales to further dilute my childhood nostalgia connected with the originals!" But now I'm all like, "well, given the big budgets and nifty modern FX, I'm actually kind of nerdily excited for the new ones."  Maybe its because my standards for star wars has declined from the paradigm shaping epictitude noted from my impressionable youth to the enjoy-it-and-move-on style entertainment more aligned with my blasé adulthood.  And even though I have invented several words today, you should still trust my judgement enough to mark thee thy calenders as well.

(And no, these are not the new episodes' posters; these are actually Hungarian posters from the original 4-6.  I think those Hungarians may be smokin' something, because this is not quite how I remember the films.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I love a space megalith.

I'm not sure why I like this video so much, at first I didn't, really.  At first it seems like just your everyday meaningless music vid with proverbial symbols of symbols and over epic cinematography, but all the same it does strike a chord with me (be it a minor one).
So whip out your most robust of attention spans (yes, 6 whole minutes), click full screen, and try to enjoy. (The reentry into the atmosphere of the boy's body at the end is prolly my favorite.)

I really have no idea what's being communicated, yet there's something about the perfect union of music and visuals that just gets me right in the back of the throat. (I can't be the only one, can I?)