Thursday, May 20, 2010

Atheism Remix

After observing how overtly our incredulous powers-that-be are trying to route society toward godlessness, I felt compelled to read Al Mohler's book 'Atheism: Remix.' If you are concerned for the direction of our nation (and the world) regarding the increasing interest in not only atheism, but anti-theism, then I think you'd find this little resource most enlightening.
It shows the historical progress of atheism in society which is interesting, but if you only read one chapter of the book read "The New Atheism and the Defense of Theism." This chapter falls after a concise but informative look at today's leading atheists. At the forefront is Richard Dawkins a.k.a. "Darwin's Rottweiler" or "The Devil's Chaplain." Mohler gleans from a couple suitable minds that oppose Dawkins's worldview. One of which is the Oxford-educated Christian scientist Alister McGrath who holds a doctorate in theology as well as a doctorate in molecular biophysics. McGrath has written a couple books aimed exclusively at pointing out the fallicies within Dawkins's arguments. And it humors me. Speaking about The God Delusion he says, "The book is often little more than an aggregation of convenient factoids suitably overstated to achieve maximum impact and loosely arranged to suggest that they constitute an argument." He also asserted that the book is "half-baked nonsense that is not intended to reach believers at all, because genuine believers will not even recognize their own beliefs in his presentation."
I thought it was great how he calls out Dawkins as pushing a distorted caricature of Christanity, and how he actually knows very little about the faith he debates. Mohler says that "McGrath's critique is most valuable for his incisive refutation and undermining of Dawkins's most central arguments."
Mohler also cites Alvin Plantinga who is a fiery Christian philosopher who contends that The God Delusion actually contains poor philosophy and very little science. He suggests: "Why, you might say that some of his forays into philosophy are at best sophomoric, but that will be unfair to sophomores; the fact is (grade inflation aside), many of his arguments would receive a failing grade in sophomore philosophy class." He then goes on to explain how naturalism is intrinsically self-refuting. There are several excerpts from Plantinga and McGrath's books that I am too lazy to type out, but don't take my word for it...doo doo doot!
They both pick up on Dawkins's belligerent arrogance regarding his own presupposed world-view as the only possible/credible reality. McGrath states "real scientists understand the limitations of the scientific method and would consider questions with an intellectual openness notably missing from Richard Dawkins." I'm thankful for men like this who can articulate the ignoratio elenchi of naturalism adequately enough to level the atheist elite of our day.
The book closes with some examples of modern "Christians" who are spewing drivel about how we need to give up the belief that the bible is literal and embrace the ideas of our non-believing collegues. To which Mohler quotes the atheist Eugene D Genovese as saying, "I intend no offense, but it takes one to know one. And when I read much Protestant theology and religious history today, I have the warm feeling that I am in the company of fellow nonbelievers." This is a sadly accurate view of our moralized church-going nation.
Over all, this little book serves as a great resource to get something of an overview of a small portion of Satan's influence among fallen men. It also helps bring to light ideas and arguments that we Christians will increasingly need to concern ourselves with.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'd hate to be in Bill Mahers eternal shoes

So I got the privilege of watching Religulous the other day. Any body else seen this flick? I wouldn't recommend it, especially if you have a weak stomach for blasphemy (which I found out I have). I thought the film would be a little more tactful/philosophical. Yes, I claim full responsibility for my ignorance. I warn you it is FIBI (for idiots by idiots).
Anyway, about the film: (SPOILER ALERT) Bill Mahar is going to hell, if he in fact believes what he says in the film. Not to say that its too late for him, since Paul too persecuted the church vehemently before his conversion. But if the Lord doesn't extend mercy to his dead soul, Bill will have stored up for himself a profoundly daunting amount of judgment for what he's said about Jesus Christ. (He's actually so misguided that he thinks Jesus didn't even exist.)
The film breaks down quite simply as 70% footage of confused religious zealots making fools of themselves, 29% Bill interviewing people (which was edited to include only his jokes and stupid phrases/expressions from the interviewees) and 1% sacrilegious imagery to transition from scene to scene. He was smart to stay away from oh say Doug Wilson, Ravi Zacharias, or any actually Christian theologians. (Excepting Ken Ham, who only had about 20 non-consecutive seconds of speaking time) Nope, straight to the crazies. Then all he has to do is sit back, let them say stupid things, then make fun of them.
I don't have anything against him as an individual. He seems as though he'd be a likable guy (apart from any dialog on politics or religion). (I love to use parenthetical statements, have you noticed?) He is obviously a bright and witty fellow who has some keen perceptions on the vast majority of religious people who have, in fact, constructed for themselves a variety of gods.
Dare I insert scripture??
"For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time."
1 Timothy 2:5-6
Bill's major problem is that he's part of a crooked and perverse generation that seeks after signs and proofs. The trouble with that is God's design for salvation to operate on faith alone. It will always transcend science, never being empirically proven true or false. Bill refuses to accept free salvation as designed by God, because he's convinced he's got better ideas. Ideas that will leave him without a savior when he meets his maker.
What I thought was especially funny was all the clamor about the 'stupid faith' people have regarding what happens to us when we die, which was followed by his triumphant conclusion that he has no idea what happens to us when we die. I paraphrase, "I'm Bill Maher, and I have no idea what happens to us when we die, because I'm too smart. Won't you join me?" The irony of this invitation to ignorance is his concurrent ranting against ignorance.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So I've had a lot of time to sit and think recently. And sit and think is almost exclusively what I've done. Its funny, when I want time to read or be productive, I cant find any. But when I have all the time in the world I squander it. Is this just the human condition? The first law of Murphy's dynamics? Or am I just undisciplined on levels I'm unwilling to admit? I guess that laziness just perpetuates laziness, and the more I get used to finding outlets for entertainment the more entertaining entertainment becomes. I have recently had to admit to myself how hypocritical I've been towards those who are consumed by entertainment. Its way to easy to get sucked in, and I must admit, I am a sucker. But today things are going to change. Right after I watch a movie.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Q & A

Mokay- so I decided to indulge my psychosis today for the reader's clarification via a self interview. For anyone who knows me, you'll know this is not the first.
Q: Why would you decide to start a blog this late in the game?
A: Well, I guess all my friends were doing it, and I thought, "jeepers, that's good stuff. i want in on that action." But, alas, I thought to myself, "my life is redundant and uneventful. what shall I write about?" So I thought, "well at least its a good excuse to post some of my favorite musics for others to wonder at."
Q: Speaking of your playlist, I noticed you've got it set to play automatically, isn't that annoying for people who visit your blog to have no choice but to listen to your obscure and questionable music selection?
A: Well, yes, technically. But I'm inconsiderate like that. Anyone who's spent much time with me knows I'm a bit of a stereo-hog/music nazi that always seems to assume control of the music in the room. I'm trying to work on that, but only I know what I want to listen to at any given moment in space and time, so that gives me the intrinsic right. right?
Q: Not really, but anyway, what is up with your punctuation and capitalization? Did you ever graduate 3rd grade?
A: Yes, I did pass 3rd grade, please don't blame Mrs. Woodson for my shortcomings. All in all I'm inexorably lazy. And if I went back to correct all my grammatical errors, I would waste countless moments. Valuable moments that I could use doing more important things like looking at that bush outside my window or asking myself more exigent questions. Besides, I have the luxury of making this blog as stupid and incoherent as I'd like because its mine, and I make the rules. Its almost like a bit of rebellion from having to write pretty papers for school. Now I can begin every other sentence uncapitalized, then end them with prepositions, and write pointlessly lengthy run-on sentences, all without much for a linear thought or idea to bring everything together. I now have that freedom, and thus I will take it.
Q: Well, uh, good for you then? Anyway, back to the music, I noticed you have a cheesy techno song with what sounds like a choir music chopped and spliced in. Any defense or explanation?
A: I'm not going to lie. I do listen to some techno. But not like the house/dance six hour 2/4 looped beat type. I like some substance to mine. Though I will admit, I am sucker for quality bass and clever beats, I mostly go for the techno with some noteworthy melodies and emotional value. My wife sometimes says that my music makes her feel funny. Not like haha funny, but strange funny. And thats the feeling I like. Other music besides electronic is fully capable of this too, but techno for some reason allows my mind to escape more readily into that "strange" feeling of being on a metaphysical seascape of emotion that I'm free to sail wherever I feel led. Besides, you can't tell me that listening to 1:30-2:30 of ed solo doesn't make you happy on some level.
Q: OK, so how'd you get the title of your blog?
A: Darts and a dictionary.
Q: So who's the custodian that you base the relevancy of your blog upon?
A: That's a pun off of a pun that I thought was clever. One of my hombres has a blog by a similar subtitle, and of all the non-blood friends I have, he's the one I am most in step with (excepting my wife).
Q: What eternal significance does this blog have?
A: Oh, um yeah, I guess none. I'm just muckin about so far, though I do hope to manage some more significant material at some point.
Q: So then, if this has no eternal value, doesn't that make it an infinite waste of time?
A: Touché.

This is Dan Jrurd.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

So after having such an overwhelming response from the public regarding this new blog (my brother and his wife), I've decided to give it another go. And it goes like this...
Blog #2:
I have recently finished my first of two years of nursing school. If you don't know much about nursing school, let me summarize: It sucketh. It feels more like nursing boot-camp than nursing-school. So I'm going to enjoy the dickens out of this summer. I know the 'eye of the storm' will be brief, but I've got many'a'exciting plans.
Like what, you says?
Well for one, I've got a list of books a mile long that I've been wanting to read, and since I read at a rate of 1.5 pages/hour and my comprehension is pushing 38%, I finally have the time I need to get through a book or two.
Also, I get to go see my sis (Audge) and her husband's (Mitchard a.k.a. Winston) latest installment to humanity. The Aliza A.K.
Then, Bethany and I get to take a sweet vacación to see one crispy chin ski and his prego wife (Becky) in the mountains of Wyoming. This one is especially exciting because: camping, nature, sushi(hopefully), my bros: Tom and Matt +their hoes: Mara and Lindsay will be coming, and because it will be the last time the eight of us will be able to chill-forth without a bunch of kids nipping at our ankles.
And later this summer, my big bro and my beloved sisinlaw will be moving back to the motherland. It will be like Christmas all year.

And between all these happenings I'll be tackling an assortment of various thuses&suches around the house that school had made me unable to-do.

The End.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm blogging.
Its new, and I've always been on the cutting edge. If I blog half as much as I use my twitter account, then I'm anticipating about 2-4 posts/year.

Sooo about me: I am Daniel, and I've been so for almost 28 years. Born'n raised in small town Hutch. I've been profoundly blessed with a wonderful family and a sweet and beautiful wife, Bethany Elizabeth. We have one child, Dweezil, who is a cat.

I enjoy things like, such as:
intentionally poor grammar
inside jokes that only I think are funny
depressing music
blogging (so far anyway)
and, ummm... space ...stuff

I'm slow to speak up. My pensive demeanor sometimes gives a false impression of deep thought, but I'm more often just having trouble holding a thought long enough for it to materialize into a statement. So by the time I have something to say, its relevancy has expired, and I'm left with some inane comment that's only real value is a fleeting diversion from serious conversation. My wife is not a fan. I think it is a gift.

Enough about me. Lets talk about you. Oh wait this is my blog, its all about me. BEHOLD: my own personal corner of cyber space.

Well that's it. My first blog. I hope you enjoyed it.

I know I did.