Tuesday, December 20, 2011

muliebrous post


How are ya.

Glad to see you.

I'm surprised you still come around these parts.

It being all barren and such.

Monthly posts.

If that.

Usually pretty stupid.

Sometimes worse.

Well, now that I've got your hopes down, have anothern!  THIS is probably the most incredible mix floating around the interwebs up to this date in history. It includes all kinds of music ...from about two genres. If you don't like the first track, wait for the second, you may change your mind. If you hate the second track, give the third one a try. If the third one bores you to an unarousable coma, you just wait for the bass to drop in the fourth track. If you still have issues with appreciation, BOOM. There's a fifth. Should your face implode with hatred for that one, bliggity-BLAOW! Sixth. By this time, if your fancy is anything but tickled, I'm sorry for your loss.

*Note: Uniquiest Mix Yet*

Know why?

It contains only female vocalists! Aha, I am no musical sexist! I am an equal opportunist for all composers; no matter the gender handicap!

1. Redford Piano Remix

Peaceful, delightful, trancendent, you choose the adjective. 

2. Florence + the machine - Take Care

Yes, I know Ms. Machine is mainstream, but you know what?  This is a good song.  And for that ...I don't know how to feel.

3. Little Dragon - Twice

NOT mainstream, these people make observably obumbrated obscurities.  Take a listen.

4. Bonobo (feat. Speech Debelle) - Sun Will Rise

This gal is british, mate   ... I mean, chap.

5. Seven Saturdays - True Romance (Teen Daze Remix)

Beats, people.

6. Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans (Count Ninjula remix)

There is anywhere from four to four hundred billion dubstep remixes for everysong produced.  (Yes, even the Happy Birthday song.)  And I have taken the burdensome task of sorting through the mess of them to present to you the very best dubstep versions of a given song.  You're welcome.  Really you are.  And if you don't have some kind of positive response to this tune ..... I sigh in disappointment.  I don't know who's failed who... or whom ...or what ...or something... or another...

Endangered Feces by Otiose Viscocity  

And for any and all offendables who are offended by any offensive statements above, I do hereby, unequivocally, with solemn regret, might officially probably recant from said statementation.

1 comment:

The Drouhards said...

"This track is currently not available"