Friday, January 13, 2012

Top 5 of 2011

Fresh out the box.
Look, and watch.
Ready yet?
Get set.
It's moooore music!
(High fives if you know what that is.  Double dream hands if you don't...)
These little ditties are a good time for all.   Nujabes is one artist who made music that is pretty well universally appreciated.  With a plethora of instruments this boy was no synth-only composer,  he did well to sample many'a'flavors over some of the dopiest beats.  Piano, woodwinds, strings, exotic fruits, and the like, he makes about anything flow in these rich, smooth, and supple compositions.
And if you're not sure how 'supple' can describe music, you are not alone.  And if you wonder how beats can be dopey, you are not alone.  But if you don't like Nujabes on some level, there is something seriously amiss in your person. 

Spiritual State came out this year and will be his last LP.  (Unless his record label wants to release a lame remix album to make a buck, which is likely.)

Dude was undeniably talented and will surely maintain his underground fanbase long after his death.  There are certainly undertones of nostalgia in these trademark upbeat major-keyed tunes.  (Maybe I'm reading into them though the lens of my experience with Nujabes music...)  This album as a whole is good front to back, I've included just a few my fav's.
And thank you.

And (a couple weeks late) I have the best (in fact, not opinion) albums of 2011 in this particular order:

#5. Spiritual State by Nujabes

#4. Bless the Self by Geotic

#3. King of Limbs by Radiohead

#2. Drive by Tycho

#1. Tamer Animals by Other Lives

These may not have won any of MTV's "Idiot Music for Pop Society" awards, but they're the type of albums you can put on repeat, listen to them for hours on end, and still want to listen more the next day.  At least that's my experience with them.  They are probably in Bethany's list of "most overplayed" of 2011, which may hold some weight, but not really. 
Get these, people.  Get them all.  Play them back to back to back, over and over and over.  You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to appreciate them, but it may help.