I think that overall, there's a generalized disinterest with this blog. This I can understand; for the obtuseness of my posts are certainly unpalatable to most. I think another reason may be the fact that I am personally far removed from most of the content hereof. So I'm going to take this moment, emotionally open up, and share some personal information to the entirety of the cyber inter-spheres.
I love space.
And I don't just mean personal space (of which I'm also a huge fan), but I mean the biggest of spaces. The outer one. Furthermore, I have many'a'fantasies of flight on any and all levels. So you know what would be especially fun? Orbiting the earth on the international space station ...traveling at trouser pooping speeds.
Sunrises, sunsets, city lights, thunderstorms, aurora borealis; you know, such of what dreams are made; all within minutes of each other.
Earth In Motion from Joan on Vimeo.
(Do yourself a favor and enjoy this full screen ...in a dark room ...with headphones.)
Also, should you enjoy this sort of thing, and should you have 38 minutes of life to spare; watch THIS.
ADDENDUM! Original video with sweet techno is NO MAS. Until further notice, Beethoven must suffice: