Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fresh beats?

Rest assured, they've never been pickled.

Isn't this just what your face was longing for? Some more intrusive music and disturbed cover art to match?? Well, I'm glad to deliver.

I chanced upon this artist Tokimonsta and was surprised (shocked even) to find out its a lady. These beats don't sound feminine, but apparently I stand corrected. Nay, impressed. AND she has great taste in cover art; I don't know why, but this high beaming robo-DJ from India offering Extra Strength Tylenol pleases me.

Another bonus: This playlist is relatively short, so you may just have the endurance to get through the entirety of its whopping twenty-four minutes, but I won't get my skivvies in a twist if you can't make it without biting. Nonetheless, I assure you these tunes prove great for the chilling, or for the relaxing, and possibly for the interpretive dancing. (Chillaxing, however, is strictly contraindicated.)



Audrey said...

this is NOT what my face was longing for.

The Drouhards said...

contraindicated......that's a good word...

I'll have to listen to the beats some time... face IS longing for them...


DΛNΙΣL said...

its what all faces long for, deep inside. somewhere near the brain.