Thursday, November 11, 2010

Evolution's stock is still going down. (Nonetheless, experts say: buy buy buy!)

I'll periodically check a random science news site and occasionally come across an interesting article or photo. And, man, this article really tickled me, so I have to share. You can read it here (its short and A.D.D. friendly for readers like me) or I can just sum it up:
A couple scientists pointed out the tremendous difficulty for the evolutionary step of going from a prokaryotic ("simple" bacteria-like) cell to a significantly more complex eukaryotic cell (the kind in plants, animals, and other advanced biological systems such as myself). What makes these cells so much more complex is about 200,000 times the genes within the nucleus. This information is what is responsible for the cell making things like mitochondria, its own power generators (not to be confused with power converters on Tatooine). These power generators are responsible for creating the energy necessary for these complex cells to sustain themselves. Bacteria cells are simple and resilient, not requiring much energy to survive, unlike the eukaryotic cells, which require much much more. The article states:
"The problem is, getting mitochondria requires more than just one cell juggling its genes. It's one cell swallowing up an entirely new cell. There are cells which do this, but they are eukaryotes, not bacteria. So in order to become a eukaryotic cell, a bacteria has to . . . do things that almost only happen in eukaryotic cells. Although it's clearly not impossible, it's one more blow to the idea of complex life evolving on alien worlds, especially those much younger than the earth."

Jeepers, I'm all torn up about the decreased possibility of aliens, really I am. I loved K-Pax.

Can you believe that's all they apply this information to? "Hmmm it seems like evolution becomes more unlikely as we further understand the world around us, but evolution is popular and thus true. [cue high fives] Therefore, it stands that we plum lucked out, contrary to the aliens that are, sorry to say, scientifically unlikely."

I must say: I find it amazing that people are sooo ready and willing to believe in aliens, (which are statistically more improbable than ourselves, and for which we have never had any proof or rational reason to believe in), but when given substantial evidence for a Creator, they're convinced that He is a childish imagination. (Professing to be wise...)

Furthermore, if you'd like an advanced lesson in overt ignorance and chicanery, please go on and read the comments under the article. C'mon people.

There was yet another article here that shows evidence that Antarctica was once a rain forest.
"I mean no disrespect, Mr. Sciencepants, but I already knew this. How did I know, you ask? Well, its in Genesis, it starts with an 'F' and it ends with your rejection."

Techno you didn't! by otiöse morosity


I swear in the name of Joel Osteen your life will be better.


The Drouhards said...

OK... What kind of intense strategery did it take to get this to post at 11:11 on this day...?

You're right about the credulity...

It's like finding Machu Picchu and declaring it to be made by a covey of marmots... Then, after much scientific research, stating that it is highly unlikely that marmots would have the ability to construct something out of stone. Therefore, marmots could not possibly have built Stonehenge, but because Machu Picchu is here, (and because we don't like the Incans) it could only have been built by a covey of marmots...

DΛNΙΣL said...

Haha! Only gullible simpletons believe in Incas. We, the civil, understand the beautiful unlikeliness of the Marmot Covey.

Excellent analogizing.

Chris and Becky Buczinski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DΛNΙΣL said...

Exactly who does someone think someone is, deleting their own post on my blog??


Chris and Becky Buczinski said...

that was me. I left you a post at 11:11 but the time was off on the post for some reason so I decided to wait and get the timing right so the post would say 11:11 and when it was time to post, Noah started freaking out and I missed it. (is that a pretty neat run-on sentence?)

Audrey said...

I'm thumbs uping this

Audrey said...

and this is so I get emails if you comment, and I forgot to click it the first time...