Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ambiexcellence by Danieljose X on Mixcloud

So yeah, by now you only come here for beats (probably the world’s authority on such) or sleeping music (Spa music; so my wife tells me [I’ve never been so I wouldn’t know.]), or by mistake (I’m sorry for your loss, please sign the guest book anyway.). But today… you get a bonus. Words. Words for reading. (Or ignoring, or smelling, or whatever. What you do with my words henceforth is your business; I’m not here to judge.)

So yeah, I’m supposin’ this is 2015’s sleep mix. I used to put these on the soundcloud to make them downloadable, but I’m guessing that since there are zero downloads over the last five years, ain’t nonebody going to be starting now, so mixcloud it is. Even though, it pains me to live under the realization that some people out there in our nation are not adequately sleeping to these tunes.

So yeah, I’m not sure why I keep going on splicing songs together week after week and sending them off lonelyly into the interweb's abyss of crappy mixes; I often think, ‘eh, this’ll pry be the last one.” But then I’m all like “ooh that song would flow real neatly into this one, I should prolly try that…” then one thing leads to another and KaBEATS! Beats. I guess it’s like my version of model trains or something.

Repetative? Terribly. Still fun? Strangely. Purposeful? Nah. Juvenile? Basically. Waste of time? Psh, no. Homework’s the waste of time.

Perhaps someday I’ll resume bloviating about more significant topics, but this is all I have to offer for now.

Anyway, how are you?

1 comment:

The Drouhards said...

If one were to download the tracks, then one would not come to this page every time one wanted to take a wissen... What's the fun in that?