Four years ago today, I received the best gift of my earthly life. Most gifts only deteriorate over time, and eventually they end up worn out or ebayed, but not this gift. This one has only gotten better and better, and the more time I get with it the more precious it becomes. I am amazed at the kind providence of the Lord to give it to me when I am so undeserving. Given that salvation is the supreme good and perfect gift, the gift I’m postin’bout today is the second best. The gift of companionship in the tumult of life is one of the most incredible blessings one can experience this side of heaven. Though I have a relatively young marriage, I am seeing with increasing clarity the genius of our union; how so many of our weaknesses are augmented by each others strengths and special grace is given to forgive each others faults. And certainly one of the main design geniuses of marriage is the unavoidable iron sharpening iron aspect of sinful people learning to truly love, genuinely forgive, and inexorably grow in grace as a result. I am often reminded of the love and forgiveness of God through the acts of love and forgiveness from my wife. I leave for work many’a’nights marveling at how blessed I am to be loved by her and the privilege and joy of loving her. We certainly don’t pretend to have an ideal relationship, and most often i can root that back to my own bumbling dullardry. Thankfully, we are given new grace everyday and the promise of being sanctified by each other for His glory. What a blessing indeed.
"There's a lot of providence seen in providing suitable partners for us, resulting in peaceful and happy marriages... When both partners are Christians, what a happy providence it was that brought them into such a close relationship with each other on earth, and to an eternal hope of salvation in heaven." -John Flavel
You can add this to my Christmas list. I'm sure I'll probably encounter various theological divergences and questionable eschatological interpretations, but you know what, there'll pry be some dope illustrations too. Not like I'm going to base my view of truth on it or anything. Sheesh, get off my back people. Besides, as far as EOTW entertainment is concerned, this essentially has the profitability equivalency of the pseudo-inspired 'left behind' series. Sept these here pitchers will be more friendly to those of us that doesn't read real good.
And: Music.
This dude has some pretty goodish tunes for Christianized contemprovent music. You can download his new EP free HERE. Overall, he's a bit too much of a Jack Johnson/Dave Matthews wannabe, but hey, I've listened to this album several times now, and I honestly feel it was worth the investment of 25 seconds of download time.
Chrome Canyon - Elemental Themes
Hatchback - Everything is Neu
The Gaslamp Killer - Mother // 7 Years of Bad Luck for Fun
Free the Robots feat. Gaslamp Killer - Wake up or Die
Free the Robots - Rattlesnake
Slugabed - New Worlds
Sooo, stupid soundcloud keeps blocking me from posting mixes with copy-written data which has driven me to increasingly use my less preferred ripoff uploader MixCloud. O well. Tiz whatta tiz.
What we have here is an illustrious blending of science and art. Our sun is pretty much awesome, and as if it weren't cool enough, some of the bright folks at NASA figured out that adding a gradient filter to the already spectacular footage we have of the sun enhances the subtler details otherwise lost in the sea of yellow/orange hues. Brilliance exceeded only by beauty.
And in the case you tend to appreciate the finer things in the universe like such as heliophysics; this final vid just gives further revelation of the impressive orb that rules the day.
This huge solar flare from last september = awesome.