Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Birthday

...to me blog!

So its been a whole year since I started this otiose atrocity, and I do believe we need a celebration. I'll give you a second to go find your party hat.

OK! So things that are new with me:

I am one year wiser, and when I say 'wiser' I mean I have more gray hair. That's pretty exciting.

I have two amazing kids. That I think are amazing even though all they do is eat, poop, cry, and poop. Somehow that merits me loving the dickens out of them? (I'm fuzzy on the logic/science behind that, but goodness knows its true.)

My babies' momma is now a full-time stay-at-home mom, and a fabulous one at that.

I only have a few days left of nursing school.

Lets see... I have three 12" sub woofers in my living room that haven't been utilized in the last six weeks and its starting to bother me. :( sad faces ): I'm told babies have sensitive hearing; I say they need an early acquaintance with loud music. I never win this disagreement.

Aaaaaand.... that's about it. I'm a simple man, what can I say.

Now the exciting stuff! We here at Otiöse Morosity found it most advisable to implement some groundbreaking upgrades! (Upgrades so exciting and noteworthy that Steve Jobs should be introducing them.)

These include and are limited to:

A 'Popular Posts' section at the bottom of the page for those days when you're feeling like a stroll down memory lane of the best of times we've had together.

A 'neat' check box on each new post. For those numerous occasions that you're so moved by the incredible incredibility of a particular blog that you are left with a loss for words to describe your pleasure. (Excepting the word "neat" of course.) Its kind of similar to "liking" things on the facebook ...only neater.

I've also reduced the number of posts per page for ultra-super-mega fast page loads, and to allow quicker access to the popular posts feature at the bottom, which I'm certain will be put to constant use. Constant.

A new subtitle to the blog. This was necessary because the reference to my custodian friend is no longer applicable, and because I think that subtitles that include clever oxymorons increase the credibility of my extreme coolness.

And lastly, (what I'm most excited about) the use of SoundCloud to embed my invasive music!!! Now I don't have to deal with low-fi youtubes where the videos were constantly being removed or dropped, thus dinking with the flow of the playlist (a peeve of my pet).

So without further todo, I leave you with some substantial electronic beats (featuring artists like such as: Aphex Twin, Siriusmo, Pantyraid, and Eskmo) mixed by yours truly*. These beats go deep, so if you haven't invested in some form of subwoofing adequate to appreciate them, now is the time.

So come, let us celebrate.


otiösemorosity_birthday_mix_2011 by otiöse morosity

1 comment:

Audrey said...

happy birthday blog. your first year went by SO fast.. sniff